Horse Trailer Reflective Safety Products

horse trailer safety tape

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Towing a horse trailer is inherently dangerous. Basic safety precautions such as equipment maintenance, proper hitching, driver navigator teams, and periodic safety checks can reduce accidents substantially, however, there is a type of accident that is unique because it falls mostly outside the driver’s control. That is the danger of being struck by another vehicle.   A collision with another vehicle often sets in motion a chain of events that lead to the driver towing the horse trailer to lose control of their vehicle, and even when they can maintain control and stop safely, horses are often injured in the accident.

The good news is that drivers of other vehicles are actively trying to avoid collisions, but remember, other drivers can only avoid what they can see.  In almost all cases, the driver that strikes another vehicle did so because they did not see the other vehicle in time to avoid the collision. So, making your horse trailer highly visible day and night is the key to preventing rear-end or side collisions. Have questions, contact me at Looking for more reflective safety products, click to go to our onlinestore.

Have questions about the products in our horse trailer safety collection? Click Here to contact us.
