Horse Trailer ROAD Trip – List Of Items To Pack

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  • Tire Gauge.
  • Set of Jumper Cables in Good Condition.
  • Strong Flashlight (rechargeable via 12v or with spare batteries)
  • Paper Maps or Atlas (in case the internet is unavailable)
  • Emergency blankets (especially if traveling in cold weather)
  • Jumper cables
  • Lug wrench and Key for Special Lugs
  • Tow Chain or Strong Towing Strap
  • Flares and Reflective Warning Triangles
  • Quick Fix Tire Repair Foam.
  • Several Quarts of Engine Oil
  • Funnel for Replacing Fluids
  • Spare fuses
  • Tool Kit Including Electrical Supplies (include Wire Cutter, Zip Ties, )
  • Tie Down Straps
  • Extra cash and credit card
  • Checkbook and Spare Credit Cards
  • Chapstick, Vaseline, Visine, Pepto Bismol, Antacids.
  • Water and Snacks.
  • Kleenex
  • Wet wipes
  • Satellite Phone and or VHF or CB Radio.
  • Knife
  • First Aid Kit Including Aspirin
  • Work gloves
  • Emergency instructions stored in plain sight (in case you’re in an accident and incapacitated, rescue workers will know who to call and/or how to care for your animals)
  • Registration for truck and trailer
  • Proof of insurance for truck and trailer
  • Written List of Important Phone Numbers (e.g. vet, trainer, vet/barn at destination)
  • Printed Map of your Route
  • Certificate of Veterinary Inspection (health certificates and vaccine documentation)
  • Horse registration
  • Copy of Show Test or Pattern
  • Copy of Show Class List and Schedule
  • Show Rule Book and Requirements
  • Membership cards
  • Equestrian Insurance Card
  • Horse Insurance Paperwork
  • Map of the Destination Trail System
  • List of Trailer Parking Friendly Gas Stations, Hotels, or Rest Stops Along Your Route
  • Horse Care Routine (lets others know how to care for your horses should you become unable to care for them)

Have suggestions on more items to include in the list? Contact us by going to and selecting our contact us link.

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